Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Blondie (1938)

Directed by Frank R. Strayer. Written by  Richard Flournoy (screenplay) and Chic Young (based upon the comic strip created by). Starring Penny Singleton (Blondie), Arthur Lake (Dagwood Bumstead), Larry Simms (Baby Dumbling)

Bottom line: Do you remember Kenneth from 30 Rock? Well, if you ever wondered what a full-length movie starring him would be like, check out Blondie. 1/4

I had heard of the Blondie comic strip but I never read it. I was never much of a newspaper comic strip type of guy so I was mildly surprised to see that there was a movie (or a series of movies). 

Do you recall The Land Before Time? The first one, whew, it's a classic. That scene with the mom, ugh, it's still heart-breaking. Now, the second thing I think of when I think of The Land Before Time is the array of sequels. According to Wikipedia, there are a massive thirteen sequels! If you are interested in more of that, YouTuber Jenny Nicholson made an amusing video about them. Meanwhile, Blondie comes over and says, "Hold my beer." The Blonde series has, according to Wikipedia, "28 low-budget theatrical B-features." Yes, 28. Granted, if those movies were made today, lots of them might very well be direct-to-video releases but still.

So we spend most of the time in the film following Blondie's husband, Dagwood (Lake). I'm not sure if that's the case in the comics too. In this adventure, Blondie is trying to get Dagwood to ask for a raise so they can afford new furniture. He doesn't want to ask but he also wants to get her furniture. What a pickle!

Physical comedy, mix-ups, and what not ensues. There was really only one joke that made me laugh. So it got half a point for that and then half a point because it was so fascinatingly annoying. To think, they made twenty-eight of these!

It gave me an idea for a charity event, actually. I could stream me watching all of (or at least as many as I can) straight! More to come on this to see if it's feasible.

Pass on this unless you want to see some clips on YouTube to see if Dag reminds you of Kenneth too.

Now, reader, what do you think of that idea for a charity event? Would you watch it? Leave a comment below! Thanks for reading!

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